Interdisciplinary Group on Building Science and Technology GICITED

The GICITED was created in 2008, although many scientific collaborations between its members had already started before. In 2009, the group received the recognition of the Generalitat de Catalunya as an "emerging group" and subsequently, in 2014 and 2017 calls, as a "consolidated group". 

It is a highly multidisciplinary group whose main objectives are to contribute to the development of sustainable buildings, with high performance and safety criteria. More specifically, it works on the design and characterization of new materials and construction systems, with specific features for use in new construction, as well as in refurbishment.

The main challenges of the group are:

  1. The promotion of the use of sustainable and renewable resources in the construction sector.
  2. The development of sustainable solutions for building envelopes: thermal insulators based on biomaterials, green facades and systems for improving the thermal inertia of buildings.
  3. The promotion of energy rehabilitation in public buildings and housing.
  4. The promotion of the use of wood n building construction.
  5. The reuse of waste from demolition and construction, to obtain new materials.
  6. The definition of testing protocols for the diagnosis and restoration of traditional materials and structures.
  7. Recovery of traditional construction techniques, related to the use of gypsum and lime.
  8. The development of binders, mortars and concrete with low CO2 emissions.
  9. The reduction of fire risk in buildings.
  10. The improvement of the thermal and acoustic comfort in the interior spaces.

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