

Structuration d'une filière de valorisation transfrontalière des tiges de maïs et de tournesol pour la construction

SAVASCO is a project co-financed by INTERREG POCTEFA (Spain - France- Andorra) 2014-2020, which aims to structure an innovative and eco-efficient construction sector based on corn stalks and sunflower. Established in the trans-Pyrenean territory, it should contribute to reducing the environmental impact of the construction sector.

This project is 65% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) within the framework of the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2014-2020). POCTEFA's objective is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area. Its assistance focuses on the development of cross-border economic, social and environmental activities through joint strategies in favor of sustainable territorial development. For more information, visit the program website  ( and the European Union Regional Policy website (
foto mostra
Today, insulating building materials are manufactured mainly from non-renewable raw materials of mineral or petroleum origin, the extraction and processing of which induce significant environmental impacts, especially in terms of gas emissions. greenhouse effect and energy consumption. However, the physical characteristics of certain agricultural residues, such as corn and sunflower stalks, give them a desirable thermal insulation and hygienic regulation performance for the formulation of building materials. These bio-based raw materials have many environmental benefits: they are renewable, local, and are carbon sinks.

To enable the development of this innovative and sustainable economic sector, SAVASCO is structured around four main objectives:

  1. The development of methods to collect and process sunflower and corn stalks, at a moderate cost, for the production of vegetable aggregates with controlled physicochemical characteristics.

  2. The formulation, implementation and characterization of construction products that incorporate these plant aggregates.

  3. The identification and networking of actors in a cross-border value chain for the transformation of corn stalks and sunflower into construction materials (agricultural cooperatives, designers, artisans, construction industry, material distributors, research laboratories and organizations for education).

  4. Analysis of the life cycle of the construction products developed and of the industry, in general.

Main expected successes:

  • To develop a process to collect corn and sunflower stalks at a moderate cost.
  • To process the stems to provide two types of vegetable aggregates from sunflower and corn fractions and bark.
  • To characterize these vegetable aggregates produced at multiphysical, environmental and economic level.
  • To formulate, implement and characterize the performance of use and durability of this complete bioclimatic construction solution.
  • To build two instrumentalized prototypes, valued as research, training and communication tools.
  • To evaluate the environmental, economic and social performance of construction products and the developed sector.
  • To create an association that brings together farmers, construction professionals, laboratories and institutions to formalize the structuring of the sector and constitute a tool to defend their interests, as well as federate and support companies and territories for their development beyond the moment of the realization of the SAVASCO project.

Main partners:

Other partners:

Join Savasco project!

Farmers, architects, students, cooperatives, trainers, etc. Do you want to participate in the development of SAVASCO or just to know the latest results of the project? Contact the project leaders and follow the news on our networks!


Scientific coordinator:

Project manager:
+33 (0)5 61 55 87 34