Traditional plaster

Thinking about the use of plaster in construction, we always have in mind that it is a conglomerate material, which is altered in the presence of water and, therefore, it cannot be placed on the outside.

The built heritage of the areas where geologically there is plaster show us the opposite. In these constructions it can be observed that this conglomerate is used both in the interior, placed as a conglomerate of structural concrete, pavements, vaults or stairs; as in the exterior, applied as a coating. Constructions of more than two and three centuries, exposed to inclement weather, they prove this.

Why is this plaster not affected by water? Why is it able to withstand abrasion wear? Why is it so different from what we know today? This research aims to solve these and other questions about the traditional plaster and their use in construction. Practical experiences are also performed to reproduce and use it in rehabilitation interventions, or even use it in new constructions.

Main results of this research area:

2018. Construction of a traditional plaster oven at the Cementos Tigre plant, monitoring the cooking and cooling temperatures, with a total of 22 thermocouples.

2018. El guix tradicional en el patrimoni construït. Curs-taller. Ribera d’Ondara.

2017. PFM David O. Batres Hernandez. “Estudio comparativo de las características físico-mecánicas del yeso comercial de Albarracín con el yeso del Pallars para su uso en restauración”.

2016. PFM Candy J. García Matos. “Estudio del yeso tradicional y sus aplicaciones en la arquitectura del Pallars Sobirà y Pallars Jussà”.

2016. Construction of a traditional plaster oven at Senterada.

2014. El guix a la construcció. I Jornada tècnica. Òdena.