
Behavior and characterization of green roofs

The green roofs represent a constructive solution that can provide different benefits to buildings: thermal, acoustic, and / or rainwater management improvements. In the key cities, they also improve the heat island effects, help maintain certain biodiversity and can become landscape elements while creating new spaces of quality coexistence in the urban environment.  

The GICITED group collaborates with the Administration (Barcelona City Council and Metropolitan Area of Barcelona) to establish measurement protocols, participates in different projects related to urban green, and provides support to companies in the sector in terms of characterization of green roof systems.


Main results of this research area:

Bosch, M., Rodriguez Cantalapiedra, I., Lacasta, A.M, Calvo, L., Boleda, M. Cubiertas verdes y rehabilitación: procesos de participación y cooperación universidad empresa. En: Congress on Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management. "REHABEND 2018 CONSTRUCTION PATHOLOGY, REHABILITATION TECHNOLOGY AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT (7th REHABEND Congress) Caceres (Spain), May 15th-18th, 2018". 2018, p. 291-298.

Bosch, M., Sarroca, B., García, A. "Coberta Experimental Mercè Rodoreda” a l'edifici ubicat a Barcelona, dins el Campus Ciutadella de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF): resum executiu. 2016.